Mya Nerenberg’s Journey in Real Estate: From Barefoot Beginnings to Empowered Leadership

Photo credit: Liana Carbone at Haven Creative Space

Mya's story is a testament to the transformative power of perseverance, intuition, and a deep connection to one’s values. Growing up in Quebec's countryside, she spent her early years immersed in nature, surrounded by fields, orchards, and ponds. The daughter of a chef and a school teacher, Mya’s childhood was simple and rich in experiences that instilled in her a profound appreciation for the land and community.

From an early age, Mya was passionate about ice hockey, even though she was the only girl on her team. This early experience in a male-dominated sport taught her valuable lessons about resilience and honoring her femininity. It also opened doors she hadn’t anticipated. When she quit hockey, a serendipitous encounter led her to elite high schools in the United States seeking female hockey players. With a science fair victory under her belt, Mya applied to several schools and earned a full scholarship to one of them. This opportunity took her away from her rural roots and into a world of new perspectives and possibilities.

Her journey continued at Cornell University, where she studied nutrition and continued to play hockey. The sport, for Mya, was more than a game; it was a dance of teamwork and presence, a source of deep connection and pure love. These experiences laid the foundation for her later endeavors, blending passion with purpose.

After college, Mya returned to Montreal for her master’s degree, where she met her future husband and started a family. Her career in sports nutrition flourished with her company, "Eat This for Performance." Through this venture, she built a successful business coaching young athletes and developed a comprehensive library of content that is now open-source for families and teachers to benefit from. However, the pandemic prompted a period of reflection and reevaluation. Mya realized that while she was good at nutrition coaching, her heart was pulling her in a different direction.

This introspection led to the birth of Ralia Rentals, a venture that combined her love for wellness, community, and real estate. Mya’s first significant investment was a family property she transformed into a wellness retreat. She named it Ralia Retreats at first, envisioning it as a space for families to connect and rejuvenate. This vision expanded with the purchase of a property in Costa Rica, driven by her deep desire to recreate the freedom she felt by the Pacific Ocean.

Managing these properties ignited Mya’s passion for real estate. She closed her nutrition practice and dedicated herself entirely to this new venture. Her dream evolved into Ralia Realty, a company that embodies a people-and-planet-first approach to real estate development. Her first major projects, two mixed use retail and apartment 3 storey buildings in Montreal represents the intersection of solid investment returns and a commitment to community and environmental stewardship.

Mya's journey in real estate is not just about property investment; it’s about creating spaces that foster deep connections and transformative experiences. She invites others to see what she is doing and learn from her journey. With a growing team and a supportive network, including her husband and colleague Desiree Ruiz, Mya is paving the way for more women to take on decision-making roles in real estate.

Looking ahead, Mya is eager to bring in aligned investors who share her vision of real estate developments as vehicles for wealth creation, community healing, and fostering healthier, happier lives. She poses a question to potential investors and supporters: Should Ralia Realty focus first on building in the countryside to give both city and country dwellers access to healthy lifestyles, or should they transform urban retail strips into vibrant hubs that support healthy habits?

Mya’s story is a powerful reminder that wealth creation is not just about financial gain but about adding value through passion, perseverance, and a commitment to making a positive impact. She encourages other women to see themselves as stewards of money and resources, capable of shaping the future of real estate and beyond.

Learn more about Mya’s diverse portfolio at Ralia Realty, Ralia Rentals, Connections by Ralia.


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Connections by Ralia - a redevelopment project designed to elevate and expand your connections